WHEREAS, the Information Resources Council-Standing Committee on Geographic Information, hereinafter called the Committee, exists to coordinate the development and management of geographic data for the State; and
WHEREAS, the Committee recognizes the need for a comprehensive and objective source of technical expertise related to the mapping and geographic information to assist in this endeavor; and
WHEREAS, the South Carolina Mapping Advisory Committee, hereinafter called “SMAC”, has served as a valuable forum and resource since it was established in 1978; and
WHEREAS, the Committee recognizes the need for coordinated mapping activities and education about mapping among governmental agencies in South Carolina, as well as the private sector;
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of South Carolina, it is Ordered that Executive Order No. 79-15, dated June 15, 1979, is rescinded. The South Carolina Mapping Advisory Committee is re-established. The committee’s composition and powers are set forth below:
The Committee shall be composed of representatives from each of the following as designated by the agency’s director:
Adjutant General
Budget and Control Board
Clemson University
Department of Archives and History
Department of Commerce
Department of Education
Department of Health and Environmental Control
Department of Natural Recourse
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Department of Revenue
Department of Transportation
Forestry Commission
Sea Grant Consortium
State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education
University of South Carolina
The Committee shall also include as members representatives of the groups listed below; these members shall serve until replaced:
S.C. Society of Registered Land Surveyors, upon recommendation of the Society; Private Utilities
Public Utilities
South Carolina Forestry Association, upon recommendation of the Association;
South Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association, upon recommendation of the Chapter;
South Carolina Association of Assessing Officials; upon recommendation of the Association;
South Carolina Association of Regional Councils, upon recommendation of the Association;
Municipal Association of South Carolina, upon recommendation of the Association;
South Carolina Association of Counties, upon recommendation of the Association.
In addition, the SMAC shall invite any federal, state, or local government agencies, and any public or private entities which are involved in mapping in South Carolina to participate in the State Mapping Advisory Committee.
Staff support for SMAC shall continue to be provided by the Office of Research and Statistics of the Budget and Control Board.
The Committee shall adopt those rules of organization and procedures and shall elect those officials as it may deem useful in the carrying out its responsibilities.
The objectives of the South Carolina State Mapping Advisory Committee shall be to:
serve as an advisory body to the Information Resources Council-Standing Committee on Geographic Information by recommending appointments to technical subcommittees as requested.
facilitate education, communication, and cooperation between users and producers of map products.
encourage the establishment and implementation of federal and state mapping standards and technology to facilitate the exchange of information resources between federal, state, and local governments, academia, and the private sector.
encourage the adoption of National and State Data Standards.
serve as a forum through which users and producers of mapping products may exchange information for improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of mapping activities in South Carolina.