The South Carolina State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC) was established by Executive Order of the Governor in 1978. Since then, SMAC has continuously served as a forum through which all facets of the mapping sciences (photogrammetry, GIS, land records, visualization, etc.) can be discussed. In this role, SMAC has promoted effective and efficient mapping techniques and standards within the state. Since its inception, SMAC has also held a biennial statewide conference (odd years) showcasing current technology, projects and highlighting issues of interest to the mapping community since its inception.
In 1998, SMAC was designated as an advisory body to the (now defunct) Governor’s Information Resources Council (IRC) to provide technical expertise related to mapping and geographic information. This role helped the state move toward statewide coordination of geographic mapping activities.
Today, SMAC has taken an interim role as a liaison and conduit for the state as South Carolina aims to become part of national efforts to build and coordinate the spatial data infrastructure of the nation. In this role, SMAC’s goal is to involve more people, organizations and businesses in an effort to make the GISciences “work” for South Carolina.
Governor’s Executive Order Forming SMAC
SMAC By-laws
Link for Current By-laws (Last modified 10-27-04)
Link for By-laws (prior to 10-27-04)
SMAC Officers, Executive Committee and Appointees